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Chemical Process Development

VSCL is experienced in developing and evolving numerous new chemical manufacturing processes. These processes are developed under strict guidelines with the intention and objective of being commercialized as soon as possible.

New manufacturing processes must be profitable in the shortest timeframe. These processes must also be simplified to ensure consistent results as the process is executed. These rules should hold whether a manufacturing process is batch, semi-continuous or continuous.

Chemical Process development steps include:

  • Selection
  • Preliminary design
  • Scale-up of the equipment used to in the formulation for producing the specified product.

Operations involves keeping a close watch on process steps to measure performance against expected benchmarks. This allows for proactive adjustments to process steps ensuring long-term success.

  • Scale up of processes and specifications
  • Cost effectiveness
  • Environmentally sound processes
  • Material Management: The material flow is organized into two parallel tracks. One track introduces the basic concepts, equipment types and modes of operation for common unit operations. The other track incorporates a set of applications demonstrating the use of simulation models and tools in solving design problems.
  • Process optimization
Custom Formulations Flexibility to support your needs
“ The focus on regularity of QA compliance makes VSCL an extremely competitive player in the Intermediates and API space.”
USV Ltd.
Feb 2010